Thursday, May 24, 2012

Special Needs iPad broken

My friend's child recently broke her iPad and so naturally, she called Apple to see about getting it repaired.  She explained that is a special needs communication device and needs to be repaired ASAP.  They said they could get her a replacement while getting it fixed, but cheapest it would cost is €252(roughly $317).  My friend found a guy not too far from her who can do it for €130, but it voids the warranty. That is just over half of what Apple charges, so it's obvious that the part is inexpensive enough to give this other guy a profit.  I haven't looked at Apple's stock lately, but I don't think they're hurting.  Would it really put that big a dent in their profit to charge prices comparable to what phone repair places are charging?  They should create a discount for those who rely on their products in their everyday lives.  They can go into your iTunes account and see that you are purchasing Special Needs apps.  But Apple isn't very good when it comes to discounts. I read that Apple's discount for schools to purchase iPads is a measly $20 per iPad.  $20 off a $500 iPad?? That's not even enough to cover sales tax!  So yet again, the most vulnerable of society are disregarded.  An iPad is an affordable way for a person with disabilities to have an AAC device.  I think Apple needs to wake up and see that special needs app developers are starting to make their apps for the Android market.  We are no longer restricted to Apple for assistance for our special needs children.

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