Friday, May 18, 2012

SN Ryan

Join in on the meme fun!  Just visit Adventures in Extreme Parenthood's blog!

I've been away, but I'm BAAAAAACK!  Here is my Ryan Gosling meme for Friday.

I'm currently looking for an app to make memes in for the iPad.  If you have a recommendation, please let me know.  I'm still a noob.  :(


  1. You could probably make them in ComicBook. I love that app. I haven't used it for this meme, but it would TOTALLY work and it would be cute as a button when you're done.

    I liked the eating thing. Good call.

    1. you said cute as a button Jim. *makes mental note*

  2. I have an apple computer and I use something called GIMP that a free download for Apple. It took me awhile to get use to it, but it works ok for these memes.

    Loved your post!

  3. School: "does your child have any diet restrictions?"

    Me: "no my child restricts her diet."

    i understand girl.

  4. Similar to my "wrong kind of brownies" fiasco from a few weeks ago. Who knew that nuts were such a big friggin deal?

  5. OMG, never nuts in brownies in our house!!! That goes against brownie religion or something!!!

    I don't have any suggestions for you on the app. Sorry, I wish I did!!!
