Saturday, August 10, 2013

Why offend someone other than the person you wish to?

Another rant about the insensitivity of people.

I saw a posting where a would-be burglar was beaten up by his senior victim. I'm all for those postings to show that people are standing up and protecting themselves, but the poster called the burglar a "faggot junkie". Ugh.

No matter what words describe the guy, he also managed to offend others using the words he chose. Yes, we have a choice what words we use in our lives. We have the freedom of speech to say what we want, but we should never use that freedom to hurt others unnecessarily. Be mad at the person you're mad at, but don't hurt others because of your ignorance.

What if we switched retard or faggot with your own name? Would you be hurt to hear people call others your name in a demeaning and offensive way? Showing sensitivity doesn't cost you anything, but you'll gain respect by me and others like me who know and love someone who is considered a retard or faggot.

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